Ever since the repatriation flight operations began, Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) has been facilitating the arrival of Sri Lankans stranded in various countries due to prevailing travel restrictions imposed on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

A special passenger arrival plan is implemented at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) in partnership with all stakeholders. Arrangements have been made to ensure that all precautionary measures are implemented under the guidance of the Sri Lanka health authorities.  

Arriving passengers are received by following stringent health checks, including PCR tests carried out by the health authorities. Passengers are processed through Immigration and Customs by adhering to all safe distance standards. Accordingly, the military forces then transfer all passengers to quarantine centres on completion of the arrival formalities.

Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Limited (AASL) has worked tirelessly to enhance the service facilities of the airport during this crisis period despite all challenges. For example, the public concourse was expanded giving ample space to departure passengers with new seating arrangements which will offer passengers a pleasant travel experience when the airport is reopened for regular travel. The staff of AASL together with other stakeholder staff work diligently to ensure that all recommended safety standards are met ensuring passenger comfort at all times. As the airport operator, Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Limited is always at the forefront in fulfilling its national obligation.

 Bandaranaike International Airport Continues to Facilitate the Repatriation Mission download 


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